Tea Tree Gully Swimming Club TTGSC Adelaide - Squad
club text


The State Senior Squad is the fourth progression in the Tea Tree Gully Swimming Club Squad program and assists athletes to perform at the South Australian Age or Open Championship meets.

Athletes are 13+ years of age and attend 5-7 sessions per week with participants developing all aspects of stroke technique, fitness levels and race skills to prepare for competition.

  • Age: 13+ years of age

  • Sessions: Athletes are encouraged to attend 5+ sessions per week.

Swimmer Ryan


Coach: Lawrence Krauter

  • MONDAY 4.30pm - 6.30pm at St Peters
  • TUESDAY 5.30am - 7.00am at ARC
  • WEDNESDAY 5.30am - 7.00am at ARC
  • THURSDAY 4.30pm - 6.00pm at ARC
  • FRIDAY 4.30pm - 6.30pm at St Peters
  • SATURDAY 6.30am - 8.00am at ARC


Swimmers are asked to arrive at the pool 15 minutes before training. Swimmers will need to wear enclosed shoes and bring a skipping rope and appropriately weighted Thera-band.


State Senior Squad competes in Targeted Meets & State Championships in order to qualify for State Championships. Swimmers may proceed to target qualifying for National Age Championships.


Two of the most important aspects of being involved in the Tea Tree Gully Swimming Club is good communication between the coach, swimmer and parents and the effective distribution of information to families by the coach and the club.

If a swimmer or parent has any questions or concerns, they are asked to speak to their coach.

The Club uses a number of communication methods to keep members up to date;


Team App

The club predominately utilises TeamApp to communicate updates notices, schedules, events, etc. You can download TeamApp to compatible smart phones and tablets. It is designed to send alerts and messages direct to the device on which is installed. Alternatively, you sign up through the TeamApp webpage and receive all notifications to your email address. The team app website is: www.teamapp.com

Once installed search for Tea Tree Gully Swimming Club and request to join the membership. This will be sent to a nominated committee member for action.


Please ensure the Club has an up to date email address to contact you. If you need to update your email address please contact the Club to do so.

White Board

Relevant information regarding upcoming meets can be found on the back of the White Board.


Monthly Newsletters will be sent out via email and shared on TEAM APP.


Please like our Facebook page to keep up to date with our latest results


The athletes in State Senior Squad progress to:

National Squad – athletes who:

  • have consistently attended 5+ sessions per week as prescribed by the coach
  • have shown the potential to qualified for National Age or National Open Water Championships
  • will normally be 13+ (females), 14+ (Males) years of age
  • have consistently attended competitions as prescribed by the coach
  • are physically and mentally ready for the increase in commitment
  • are physically and mentally ready for the increase in training workload

Progressions from State Senior Squad generally occur at the beginning of each season (after Long Course or Short Course State Championships) however a transition phase may take place at any time.

Athlete progression will be decided by the Coaching Team.


State Senior Squad Swimmers are asked to have their own:

  • Drink Bottle (required for training)
  • Short Fins
  • Kick Board
  • Pull Buoy
  • Finger Paddles & Hand Paddles
  • Snorkel
  • Parachute